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Community out reach

  • Organized small business training for community members to help expand entrepreneurship among members.This was to expand potential entrepreneurs of interested members demoralized by lack of appropriate support and difficulty of accessing credit.

  • Helped one of our community church (Tecklehimanot) church get 120 chairs

  • Provided needed support during times of tragedies such as death, illness and accident by organizing community members to provide cultural social and financial support.

  • Provided financial support (through community fundraising) during times of tragedies such as death, illness, and accidents

  • Organized a meeting with Andnet Meredaja Idir (a self-help organization during time of tragedy) with its members.This was to build financial and community support for members to deal with both financial and social needs during times of tragedies.

  • Provided communication with community members during the passing any of its members to console family and get financial and social support.

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